Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blog post #6

Education in the future

The Networked Student

I thought this video was very interesting. In this short video we were given a sight into what 21st century teachers should know. Until this semester I had very little knowledge of a lot of the resources the student used in this video. Some of the resources mentioned were Skype, Delicious, Google Scholar, and iTunesU. I just learned about iTunesU for the first time last week since it was my podcast topic.

If we all could learn how to properly use all of these resources then we would be prepared to teach students how to be productive in a 21st century classroom. I think that the teacher still plays a very important roll in the 21st century student’s life. I liked how the teacher got excited when the student finds good or new content. I'm very nervous about being a 21st century teacher in the future but I'm willing to do all that I cant to be prepared.

The PLN was amazing! I can’t believe that a 7th grader put that together with the assistance of Wendy Drexler. How impressive! She did a very good job explaining how to use and access information for her PLE. She makes is seem very easy to use!


  1. Courtney,

    I am glad to see that you are excited about these tools. However, the assignment did ask for a bit more of a response. I understand that you may not have 2 pages worth, but from what I can read it does not seem like you spent much - if any - time doing the assignment.



  2. I thought I answered the questions, ill try to give better responses next gime. Thanks

  3. I like your views on the articles! I, too, hope I get excited when students find new content on their own. I also agree that the teacher should play a major role to the students. I hope the more you learn, the less you will be afraid of teaching- it shouldn't really have to be a scary thing, right?

    I hope compiling all of the tools the student used is as easy as she made it look!
